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How to Prepare For a Wildfire in California

Wildfire Preparation in California

Landowners, homeowners, and the communities in the California area know the area is prone to wildfires. One major concern is how to be resilient, avoid, and cope when wildfires happen. As a resident of California, you should be prepared for the possible damages and losses you can incur if a wildfire strikes and the possible need for wildfire restoration in California. We at National Response Team share how to ensure that your property survives an unpredictable wildfire and steps to follow if you experience a loss.

wild fire prevention, wildfire property damage

If you have suffered property damage from a wildfire. We are here to help you.

Things to Do to Avoid a Wildfire

While some of these things seem obvious, many of these are the main causes of forest fires. Being aware of some common ways to avoid starting an unintentional fire can help save lives, nature, and your property.

  • Notify relevant authorities about any unattended fires.
  • Use fireworks and sparklers in open spaces with no flammable items around.
  • After a campfire or fire pit, make sure it is fully extinguished.
  • Be alert and aware of areas with forest fire risks.
  • Never throw a burning cigarette or lit match on the ground without completely putting it out.
  • Be aware of any rules and regulations on trash burning.
  • Take caution when using any flammable liquids to light a stove, lantern, or heater.

How Much of California Was Burned Due To Wildfire?

While forest fires are part of nature and rebirth, some fires consume more land than others. During the 2020 wildfire season, over 8,100 fires contributed to the total burning of about 4.5 million acres of land. For comparison, 3 percent of California’s land had burned between 1970-1980. Now in recent wildfires from 2010-2020, the total land burned rose to 11 percent.

How to Protect your Home from a Wildfire

  • As a homeowner, ensure your roof is built from non-flammable materials or have a fire retardant or water sprinkler on the rooftop.
  • Create a defensible space 30-100 feet from your home to prevent flames from reaching your house.
  • Keep any combustible materials away from your home. Store them in locations that are 30 feet away.
  • Prevent embers from getting into the house by blocking and sealing any openings.
  • Involve your neighbors in the preparations.
  • Investing in a roof sprinkler system

Counties in California still experience wildfire damage to homes despite all the precautions. Northern California especially is vulnerable to sprouting wildfires from June through October. Gusty winds can spread distructive wildfires quickly. You should know what to do to protect your home in case of an unavoidable wildfire.

What If Your House Burned From a Wildfire

total property loss due to wildfire.

Unfortunately, you may become a victim after a wildfire and require wildfire damage restoration. You need to take action to ensure you are safe and further damages are prevented. Wildfires in California are very destructive. Many people experience losses and property damages. As a California resident, always ensure that you have prepared adequately for a fire incident and that your family is aware of what to do. Remember you can always buy a new property but your safety comes first.

  • Follow all instructions including evacuation requests by emergency officials.
  • Ensure that all gas tanks have been shut off
    Immediately report the fire to authorities.
  • Light up your home to make it more visible even in heavy smoke
  • Allow easy access to your home by firefighters
  • Move all combustible materials far from windows and doors
  • Open your sprinklers and wet the area surrounding your home.

Need Your Crawl Space Cleaned?

Wildfires can cause anything from small smoke damage, all the way to a total loss of property. We hope you will never have to deal with a property loss. NRT is here for you if a catastrophe happens.