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  • Phone888-760-2760
  • AddressSanta Rosa - San Rafael - Oakland - Stockton
  • Open Hours24 Hours

Emergency Water Removal

Plumbing Leaks Can Cause Chaos if Not Dealt With Immediately.

Having a Water Leak Emergency?

First, don’t panic and try to turn off the water to avoid more damage. Then, call us immediately. The longer water sits, the more water damage is done.

Emergency Water Removal

Damage from flooding gets worse and more expensive the longer it sits. Even worse, standing water is a potential breeding ground for bacteria like mold that can cause infectious diseases. Quick response time is critical for minimizing health risks to you and your family or co-workers.

Why Water Leaks Need To Be Fixed Immediately

Water leaks can go unnoticed for days before you suddenly discover the wall in your house is soft and falling apart. This can be a serious water leak in the walls and needs repairs fast.

We work with licensed plumbers and contractors who know how to quickly stop the water leak. NRT will extract sitting water, and remove water-damaged materials to start the drying out process.

Removing wet materials and getting the area dry will help avoid mold from growing. Mold removal may also be necessary depending on how long the leak went unnoticed.

plumbing leak with debris, water damage restoration
national response team, water and fire damage restoration

What Is An Emergency Water Extraction?

Water extraction is a type of procedure for removing excess water from a home’s flooring and grounds. It’s a difficult job that professionals should only do because they have the essential skills, tools, and equipment. NRT uses the most efficient water extraction methods to make sure the damaged area dries quickly avoiding secondary damage.

Why Hire A Professional To Remove Standing Water?

Restoration Costs And Total Loss Time Are Reduced

When emergency water removal is needed, water damage restoration is close to follow. While it may appear that hiring a water damage restoration professional will increase the costs, it will save money in the long run. The quicker your house & items are out of the water, the more likely they are to be saved.

Even If Everything Appears Dry, There May Be Moisture Present!

Water flows to the lowest spot on your property because it is the path of least resistance. It’s impossible to predict where moisture and water will end up. We are experts in locating all the spots where water can go, properly trained techs, and state-of-the-art equipment to test for moisture.

Prevent The Growth Of Mold & Bacteria!

Mold and bacterial development pose the most significant health risk following water damage. Mold needs moisture to grow, and once it has formed, it will damage the surfaces it grows on. Mold also increases the chance of specific health issues such as allergies and infection. While your home will dry out gradually, moisture left inside the walls or beneath the floors can grow mold in as little as 24 hours. Mold can also have a long-term negative impact on your family’s health.

containment area water damage, water damage restoration
containment water damage, drywall water damage

How Much Does Emergency Water Removal Cost?

While water removal varies depending on several factors, it usually costs around $1,000 to $3,000. It’s also important to remember that water removal is merely the first step in the water damage restoration procedure.

The next steps are to dry the building materials to a safe level. If the walls are too damp, health and property hazards such as mold might arise. This usually requires removing water-damaged portions of the walls or structure and installing drying equipment on the property.

If the water has been sitting for a couple of days and decay has formed, it may require mold remediation services. However, insurance companies frequently cover the cost of water damage restoration, so you may not have to worry about it.